Beacon Lighting is a well-established ceiling fan and lighitng company across Australia and other parts of the world.

Here is the United States, Beacon Lighting is currently offering their Patented FANAWAY fans with retractable blades and their Lucci Air fans. Our FANAWAYS are true ceiling fans, putting out proper CFM that will blow away our competitors "Fandeliers".


Coming soon to the United States will also be some of the best selling lighting that Beacon Lighting has to offer!


Who We Represent

Contact Information:

Jenkins Sales Co.
Larry Jenkins

1803 Onaway Dr. SE

Grand Rapids, MI 49506

Phone: 616.550.1773

Fax: 888.283.5140


Ted Lascari

108 Auburn Ave. SE

Grand Rapids, MI 49506
Phone: 248.824.0628

Fax: 866.268.6343

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